I am Guus Ellenkamp and I started this site because I became frustrated with Dutch/European/Western bureaucracy and government policies.
I am Dutch and around 2004 I moved to The Philippines for private reasons. Also at that time I was already frustrated with the regulations in The Netherlands, but I am a person who needs more freedom than average, so at the time I think it my frustration was more my problem than a general Dutch or Western problem. However, right now I think that has changed, although it seems many people are still satisfied with e.g. the current Dutch government.
I was never really involved or interested in politics, but that changed recently, after seeing where “The West”, the EU and The Netherlands are heading. I don’t consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but it seems many ‘conspiracies’ have become true, even though many people still don’t see or believe how bad the things around e.g. COVID-19, Ukraine and the (presumed) climate crisis are. I don’t believe e.g. that things like the Great Reset are deliberate ‘conspiracies’. I believe more that those things just happen, because globalization, resulting in global institutions and conferences, just result in certain ways of thinking. And that ‘thinking’ is just picked up by those global institutions and governments and governments and government employees who are in charge of government strategies.
Ah, and I am a chaotic type of person and kind of lazy, so I am not good in creating properly written content, even though if I really wanted that I think I can do that. Maybe you can help me find the time and discipline by encouraging me to do those things, as until now it has been a pretty lonely venture, even though I was able to get some followers in Facebook.
What bothers me is that sometimes people call me a troll or Putin puppet or ‘wappie’ (Dutch) and that is one of the reasons to create this page, so I can show I am a real person and not a troll. Or maybe I am kind of a troll according to the Wikipedia definition as I do often try to put comments in Facebook and such to show an alternate opinion than the common one. But that’s just because I am kind of shocked about the Western propaganda I see everywhere. To me propaganda was something in countries like Russia or China, not in Western countries and certainly not in The Netherlands.