Action plan The Netherlands


I just started with a financial action plan, but there is more. I want The Netherlands shine again, so we need a grand strategic plan, as the country is very much in disarray.

And yes, for all people living there now. However, I believe The Netherlands is full, so we need to stop allowing more people to go in to live permanently in The Netherlands. Sorry.

Action plan

Proposed actions short term:

  • Restore legal checking against the constitution (change article 120 of the ‘grondwet’. This will bring the power back to the people, where the final power belongs.
  • Stop implementing new EU regulations.
  • Stop paying the EU more than is being returned.
  • Decentralize the police and focus on enough ‘wijkagenten’.
  • Don’t allow any refugees and immigrants to enter The Netherlands.
  • Restore relationship with Russia and stop implementing the sanctions (the war in Ukraine is not ‘our war’).
  • Put the ‘stikstofwet’ on hold.
  • Create a quick procedure for refugees to decide whether they can stay or not (I am sure the people doing the first intake know how to do that).
  • Support allowed refugees to find a job as quickly as possible (this will solve two problems: they will become self sufficient and we will have more people doing the work).
  • Stop the police bureaucracy.
  • Stop the medical bureaucracy.
  • Get the finance in order (yes, this will hurt).
  • Restart economic activity that has been blocked by all kinds of unrealistic (climate) goals.
  • Start building houses wherever possible without creating more problems (there must be ‘wasted lands’).


In order to implement this we need new leadership in The Netherlands to replace the “Haagse Elite”. Temporarily I think this would need to be a ‘strongman’ (or ‘strongwoman’), someone who stands up for the people of The Netherlands. Of course this strongman/strongwoman needs to have the support of the Dutch people and one of his or her jobs would be to go back to the old ‘poldermodel’, as that would probably suit the Dutch people better than a temporary ‘dictator’.

Keep The Netherlands going in between

I started with an intermediate law: Hoofdwet voor Nederland na de Fluwelen Revolutie.